Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

About Geek Out SA

About Geek Out SA

          Geek Out SA was started by Vincent Guzman in 2014. He began by using Google Hangouts, with his co-hosts Myke and Love Vivienne. They would all connect and most weeks they would have a guest who connected to them through Google Hangouts and the show was born. The audio was super rough back then and when you watch the videos you will see they often dropped out of the show because of their internet connections.

           The show progressed further when Vincent became a member of Geekdom and was able to put on the show in the studio space there. He slowly grew the show adding in a mixer, microphones, and cameras. The co-hosts and guests would come to Geekdom and the show went on from there. There were times when filming happened in various rooms within Geekdom and there was even a time when a stranger showed up in the booth and simply became part of the show.

          After awhile Vince met the owner of Silver Fox studios and he began doing the show there. By this time Myke had moved on to other things and Omar had become one of the co-hosts. Vince also added his son Matthew to talk about video games and Matthew's girlfriend Michelle became the show's Pokemon expert. The studio was great, there were many amenities, such as someone who knew how to cut video, run the green screen, direct and produce the show. Unfortunately, he moved on as well and sold the studio to new owners who tried to to make the experience what it was before but it just never was the same. The previous episodes were lost, nothing went right and the show almost fell apart. All of the co-hosts decided it was time for them to move on to begin their own things, so Vince was left without co-hosts and without a place to have his show.

          Vince decided it was time to convince Colleen that she should come on board and help him out with the show for a little while until he could figure something else out. Colleen had helped from the background and had done a few bits at Silver Fox but had never truly wanted to be on camera due to personal issues with being overweight but Vince kept working until he convinced her to co-host the show with him. They moved things around in their home and kicked the kids out of den and created their very own studio in their home. Colleen began doing the show with Vince and all of a sudden the show was alive again. People always ask if the show is scripted but it is not, the chemistry, the strife, the back and forth are all real and in real time because the show is filmed live. The show has moved around recently but for now it is filmed live on Friday nights at 6 pm CST. Currently guests come to the studio about an hour before the show is filmed, Vince and Colleen talk to them and once everyone is nice and comfortable it is time for the show to begin. Vince has also worked to create a mobile option for filming so Vince and Colleen are able to film on location so they plan on bringing San Antonio more information about all of the geeky fun that can be had around town.

Join Vince and Colleen every week live at or you can watch previous episodes on YouTube and subscribe to the channel at: