Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Monday, May 30, 2016

X-Men Apocalypse

X-Men Apocalypse
by Colleen Guzman

               This weekend we went and saw X-Men Apocalypse at the Westlakes Alamo Drafthouse. Let me first say that I will be talking about the movie during this blog post so if you have not seen the movie yet you should definitely avoid reading this blog if you don't want the movie to be spoiled for you. Also, in case you did not just read that disclaimer I will be fairly vague in my description so I don't inadvertently ruin the movie for anyone.

               I should also add that my knowledge of the X-Men does not come from the comics. In the 90's I did read part of a story line that involved Wolverine and Jubilee and I recall being a tad confused because I hadn't read anything that led up to it, but it was interesting. What really got me involved with X-Men was the 90's animated television series. I could not get enough of that show, I loved the writing, the characters, the struggles, so because of that series I felt that I knew the X-Men.

               When watching the animated series I fell in love with Nightcrawler. What an amazing mutation, to
be able to transport yourself and others to places you've been too or to places you can see. Also, how can you not love a mutant that has a working tail, that can be used to add to his mobility or to take down a potential enemy. One of the scenes I truly love in the Apocalypse movie was the fight scene with Nightcrawler and Angel. I love the way he is apologetic, kind and always slightly frightened and yet in the end he kicks booty especially with that tail. I also loved the way he gives so much of himself in a very important scene in the movie. Nightcrawler was a great character, but he was not alone.
               One of the other great things about the movie was seeing these mutants that we've come to know as their younger selves. It was great to see the initial connection between Jean and Scott. We begin by seeing Scott struggle as his mutations become evident, then we see how he does not interact well with others, especially Jean. Of course, we know they are coming together so we are not super surprised when he can finally see that he sees her first and is taken aback by her beauty. Of course now he is sorry for the way he treated her so he goes to smooth talk her. Jean being not-so-loved by anyone on campus, because her powers are so great they frighten everyone, decides to give poor little Scott a try at friendship. It was a little contrived but they are kids so I was able to roll with it. I did like the way the relationship moved forward from there but for me Jean was a stronger character throughout the film, but considering her role in the ending I convinced myself she was supposed to be. I was also glad that I was eventually able to see her as Jean instead of Sansa, because I was concerned that was going to be a problem.

               I won't go into much about the other characters. I liked Storm, I thought she was great. Psylocke was pretty awesome but Olivia Munn, I mean come on you can't go wrong with her. Apocalypse was a pretty decent villain, he was scary and pompous so that was great. Some of the cinematography in Egypt was pretty spectacular. So overall I really enjoyed the movie. I must say one last thing. For me, I feel that these movies have been and continue to be the Charles and Erik story and I am totally okay with that. I love every moment they are on screen, their connection to one another is perfection. The actor who plays Erik is so convincing in every moment that he is on screen. You can feel his pain, hatred, love, loss, friendship, and turmoil when you see him. I feel the same way about the actor who plays Charles. When he cries and whispers Jean's name begging for help your heart breaks and you want her to save him. When he talks to Erik and Raven you can literally feel how much he cares for them. I personally think that Charles and Erik make these movies.

             So overall I really enjoyed the film. I am not sure how far off it is for comic book readers but if you go to see it because you enjoy movies then you will not be disappointed. You will see plenty of action and human interaction and those things make for great movies. Enjoy and let us know on Facebook if you didn't.

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