Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Sunday, January 31, 2016

A gift for Geeky Love

A gift for Geeky Love
by Colleen Guzman

Those of you who watch the show know by now that Vincent and I are both incorrigible geeks. We are also husband and wife. We love all of our geeky hobbies and we love each other so last year I thought what better way to show my Valentine's Day love then by dragging out this holiday. I ended up having a good time and Vince really felt special. I personally wouldn't do this every single year because I think it looses some of it's spark when repeated often but I think every few years or so this idea is nice.

I want to share with you what I did last year in case you like it and would like to use the idea as I did or tweak it for your loved one.

The first thing I did was to extend the holiday from one day into fourteen days. I decided I would give Vincent one small gift every day from February 1st - February 13th and then on the 14th I would still give him a fairly large gift. I also thought that the gifts would be more fun if I put them in different places, at various times so he was never sure when or where the gift would be. For example, one day it was in his gym bag, another day on his computer keyboard, another day it was on his pillow and so on. He really liked that and in fact one day he didn't get his gift until right before bed and the next day he admitted that he had been a bit disappointed because he thought I had forgotten him that day.

Each gift is very small and should be less than $5.00 unless your budget can allow for more. I kept these gifts under $5.00 which is pretty easy with all the dollar stores or dollar sections at various stores. The key though is not just the gift but tying the gift into a Valentine's Day type saying almost like one you would see on a conversation heart. (sorry I was trying to hide the gifts in our room so the pictures aren't great)

I added a little Valentine flair by printing the sayings on pink paper and putting a little picture on each one. Then I simply taped the saying to the gift. I also put some snacks in the gift mix so he could have a little something to snack on and not just have toys and things as gifts. 
The little sayings then go with the gift. For example, on the dried apple slices the paper said, "you are the apple of my eye." You can really play with these sayings and personalize them for the geek in your life. You can even make them sound like they come from characters from their favorite geeky movie or show. (I am thinking Yoda would be easy to replicate.) I am sure you could even google sayings and go from there.

I really enjoyed this craft and I think the next year a Star Wars movie is coming out I may have to go all out Star Wars for him. Stay tuned and I'll bring you more when I decide how I'm going to do that.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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