Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Sunday, February 14, 2016


by Colleen Guzman

You've been waiting for it since you saw a glimpse of the glistening Ryan Reynolds in X-Men, you knew it could eventually come to past, you waited with baited breath and yet the studio continued to tease you never quite admitting they had us all pegged all along and were just waiting until we were ripe to throw all of our money at them.

There is nothing that speaks to us more than the antics of Deadpool. There is a sick little puppy inside of us that wishes to jump out vulgarities wagging and no f's given about what comes out of our mouths, no matter how witty and cutting it might be. We long to wear the hood and walk around letting people have it both verbally and physically. I mean seriously how can one man have such accuracy, athleticism and still manage to cut such a witty jibe. There cannot be such crass perfection without a price being paid.

One of the things I truly enjoyed about the Deadpool movie was that no matter how many times I had seen previews the scenes still made me laugh so hard I cried because they had simply shown us a glimpse of the wit and sarcasm but they had so much more to give. You think the avocado having sex with older avocado line was the punchline of the joke,well it wasn't there was more and it was even better.

I won't be giving out any spoilers in this review because I think that is just awful and to spoil this movie is just cruel. I will say that I have not read any of the comics so my view of this is simply from this movie and the perspective that was given by the cast and directors/producers of this particular film. I can say as someone who watches movies perpetually and truly enjoys comic based films, I loved this film. I laughed so hard I cried, I moved my fists in the midst of the fights, I cringed at the excess of blood and guts and I triumphed when Deadpool said things that I could only wish to say.

Overall I think this film brings perspective to what a hero might be because it makes you re-exam your ideas of what a hero is. This film also has action scenes that put you on the edge of your seat and it has love that you aren't even expecting. I assumed it would be a fun film but I had no idea going in that I would be so pleased coming out. I will be sure to watch this film numerous times and I will even pay to see it again in the theater. You should go see it too, you'll be glad you did.

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