Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Agent Carter

Agent Carter

I haven't ever been the type of girl who thought about girl power. In fact, I was actually the type of girl who wanted to be a boy because I thought boys were tougher, rougher, meaner, stronger and just plain cooler. I still occasionally have these delusions but more and more I find that I am noticing and valuing the strength in myself as a woman and in so many other women. I have also noticed that I am increasingly enamored with strong female characters on screen. One female character that I am becoming increasingly fond of is Agent Carter.

One of the things I love about Agent Carter is her knowledge that she is supremely capable of everything she sets her mind to, that she is highly qualified, she can do anything the men can do and that no matter what they think of her she is the best person for the job.  I like the way she is beginning to be more vocal about the knowledge that she is highly capable of doing her job, but I also appreciate that they are staying true to the feelings of the time period and that the majority of the men still discount her worth or take credit for her actions. I especially enjoyed this week's interactions between her and Dottie and Jack. Dottie is another strong female character, albeit evil or misguided she is still strong and a force to be reckoned with. I was almost surprised by Peggy's ambush of Dottie but I saw it coming when they showed the bank patrons. I was actually surprised, although I shouldn't have been, when Jack took Peggy off the interrogation and sent her away. I was not surprised but I was tickled when Dottie gave Jack some of the medicine he deserved. I really enjoyed this week's episode of Agent Carter and I am looking forward to more.

There were other things I enjoyed that I will discuss next Tuesday on the shoe, but I must bring up one more thing before I end this post. I absolutely, positively, adore the outfits they choose for Peggy Carter and I must admit that I check out her fabulous shoes during every wardrobe change. I love the styles of that time period and I love the way they recreate them in the show. The picture collage are pictures I snapped of Peggy's loveliness during the course of the show.

I am excited to see another episode next week and to see how the story progresses. 

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