Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Friday, January 1, 2016

Netflix Originals

     We used to be the first in line to pick on the Netflix generation, I mean really who can't wait one week or 9 months for another episode of their favorite show? Well apparently we can't because we have been drug into the flow of Netflix watchers. We began our Netflix binge watching with the original show Daredevil and now that 2016 has begun we have decided to binge watch yet another epic drama based on a comic book character. We are currently halfway through Jessica Jones Season 1 and we are thoroughly enthralled as we were with Daredevil.
      We are only occasional comic book readers, so Jessica Jones is not a title we have ever picked up. I wonder if having no knowledge of the comic helps with the enjoyment of the series or if having prior knowledge would make us enjoy it more. At this point we can only watch it with no prior knowledge and enjoy it as it is, and enjoy it is exactly what we are doing.
One of the things we like about Jessica Jones right away is that gritty, edgy, New York City feeling that it has just based on the cinematography of each episode. It almost feels like we are watching an extension of the Daredevil show that we enjoyed so much. Another thing we really enjoy about the show is the character of Jessica Jones. There is a great balance between her obvious physical strengths and her often overwhelming psychological struggles. It is always interesting to watch a character fight more with themselves than they have to fight with the enemy. Don't get me wrong she has an enemy, a frightening one and he is quite responsible for his fair share of the litany of issues she has but she is quite capable of harming herself enough to not even need an enemy.
     Speaking of her enemy, it is probably good that we don't really watch much Dr. Who so the appearance of David Tennant as the enemy has not derailed us because we have no connection to him as an actor.
     So far we are truly enjoying the show and we plan on binge watching every episode of season 1 until we are through with it.
     Stayed tuned to the blog or to our show for more thought an opinions from Geek Out SA.

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