Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Game Review - Hive Mind

Hive Mind Calliope Games Titan Series
by Colleen Guzman

           Recently I went to Texicon in Hurst Texas and I was fortunate enough to meet a couple of talented individuals from Calliope games (not in the lead picture) who led me through some fun gaming sessions. The first game we played together was Hive Mind. As you can see from my title photo my friends and I are super excited to play the game and we are super silly so that always helps when embarking on a group game.

          Hive Mind is a group game where all of the players are bees within the hive and they are trying to be part of the Hive Mind, to keep the queen bee happy and stay in the hive. You are probably wondering what a little bee can do to be part of the hive mind and stay within the hive. The concept is simple, all you have to do is answer the questions the way you think the rest of the hive will answer the questions. For example, the question could be asking you to name 5 foods that make noise when you eat them. Each person must answer the question but you are trying to think of things that the other people will think of too because the more people who have the same answer the more points you get. So if seven people were playing and five of them said carrots were a noisy food to eat then each of those players would get five points from that one answer.

          Some of the really fun moments come during the answer reveal portion of the game where people tell you what their answer was to the question. Sometimes people have really good answers that no one else even thought of so everyone at the table is nodding and feeling proud of that person for the answer they gave but still not giving them any extra points. Another point of laughter emerges when someone gives an answer that is so out there that people have no clue where it even came from and that leads to huge discussions about what could've really been said or should have been said. That is one great thing about this game is that your answer does not have to be correct it just needs to match what other people are putting down as their answers. It is fun to watch how people get though when they become competitive and they want to see if the answer given really goes with the question asked but in the end it doesn't matter as long as other people answered the same thing.

         Over all I really enjoyed the game. I think it is a great game to play with your friends and would be perfect for a dinner party or for people who are new to tabletop gaming.

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