Geek Out SA

Geek Out SA
Vince and Colleen

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Suicide Squad Review

Suicide Squad Review
by Colleen Guzman

         There has been a lot of talk about how horrible Suicide Squad is and let's face it, it is pretty easy to believe that a DC movie would be less than enchanting considering their past mishaps but I say let's not all jump to conclusions. First and foremost I think that you should always go see the film yourself and make your own determination no matter what you read in a film review, even if you wait until it is in the cheap theater or is available to rent. So now that you have seen the film and formed your own opinion you can read my opinion and see if we agree or disagree.

          I must say that for the most part Suicide Squad was a good movie. I really enjoyed the way they gave us some insight and back story into each of the characters, I think that this is especially important for those viewers who have never read the comics and have no understanding of the characters. I think this also gives us a good view of what the director thinks of the characters so we know where he is coming from. I know a lot of people going into these types of movies don't want to see any story line they just wan straight fighting and action all of the time but for me some story line and character development are important.

         Speaking of character development let's talk about the two characters that really stole the show as far as I am concerned. I had heard that Harley Quinn was the highlight of the movie and I thought, "Well of course she is, look at that body and that outfit", but in all reality as nice as both of those things were it wasn't that, that made the character the star of the movie. For me the highlights were the actresses total immersion into the character. (Sorry if you've read any of my previous posts you will know that I don't particularly care to stroke the actors egos so I don't mention them by name and most of the time I don't know their names.) Harley is so nonplussed by everything, she just goes with whatever
presents itself and she goes at it full force with a little shoulder shrug and a turn of her head. She is full on inside of her insanity and she takes you there with her. Harley is also the comic relief in the story but she is not so comedic that she becomes the buffoon.

The other character who stole the movie was Amanda Waller. If looks could kill this woman would be deadly. The actress is so convincing that there are moments when you watch the movie and you are certain that you are in danger and she is coming for you. I loved her strength, her backbone and the nonsense way that she goes about everything. Amanda Waller knows she is going to get what she wants because she knows good and well that she is willing to do absolutely anything to get exactly what she wants. She is crooked and quite evil and frightening and I loved her. I think she truly stole the movie away from almost everyone and that is saying a lot because Will Smith was in this movie and that guy can really act, (okay yeah so I know his name, he is pretty fabulous just don't tell anyone I think so).

          I think overall people will enjoy this movie. The only downfall I found was that the main "villain" was entirely too powerful and the thing that is being created by it looks like the director watched X-Men Apocalypse and tried to copy it because they thought that was what made that movie successful. Aside from that hot mess the rest of the movie was really good. So I recommend you go, see the movie and enjoy it for what it is.

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